
Hello World, We are Alexander Chmaj and Lyle Sterne.

Before we go any further, we’d first like to thank you for coming to check out our newest thing. Your ability to click on this page and read the following text has already established an inseparable bond we will use to maximum effect.

For the last 8 years in New York City, we’ve worked on a lot of different things in our respective fields. Most of them have been for employers, a few have been personal projects, and a few have been hobbies. Almost all of them have been things that turned out to be garbage, things that were not actually things, and in some cases they were things that exploded in a ball of fire and crying.

As a result of our choice to obtain massive debt in our respective Liberal Arts Degrees, we’ve become quite good at making things: Big things, small things, tall things, things you can eat, things that are green, things that glow in the dark, and sometimes, accidentally, things that are all of these at once.

We now have reached a phase in our lives where we are tired of making bad things, and instead would like to make good things. It is in this spirit that we proudly put our names under the company banner of “Chmaj and Lyle make a Thing” (or CALMAT for short).

Recently, we got drunk – as all successful trendsetters do – and decided to make more things together. Why things? Well, in our current clime, time, and zeitgeist, things have fallen under attack. No one can really be sure what is, isn’t, and both is and isn’t a thing. We considered making a home for wayward things, but after putting just a few things into our home we quickly ran out of space for further things. With that in mind we decided to start CALMAT.

What is CALMAT you ask? It is our rock, our foundation, our central drive that will spur each project onwards. It is an institutional platform we will use to explore all aspects of things, and work as a place for you, the dedicated viewer, to follow along with us on our journey to make a thing.

For more information, head over to our FAQ for all your unanswered questions. If you desire more information on our qualification proccess for the determination and creation of things, head over to our primer on Thingology 101.

Things be with you!