All the Ways and Things You Can Follow LUX On and Movies!

Late Night Update CALMAT style!

You might be wondering, what’s the fuss about?

Well wonder no more. These are the ways to follow the LUX!










More details coming soon, FOLLOW LUX FOR MORE!

Top 3 Ways LUX is 110% More FUN than Other Competing Cinema Chains

Onward to the future of cinema loyal followers!

So what are the top 3 ways LUX is 110% more fun other competing Cinema chains*?

#1 Movies

With the wide range of films in the LUX vault, ranging from classics such as Our Last Day In the Bahamas (1985) and Shepherds, Sheep, and Spies (1994) to lesser known art films such as Est(1964) LUX has something for everyone.

#2 John Pointe


He can walk. He can talk. He’s the only spokesperson who is 110% more FUN and on Linkedin!


#3 The LUX Deluxe

Only at a LUX screening can you become one of the most powerful moviegoers in the world!

By becoming a lifetime member of the LUX Deluxe you’re taking your moviegoing experience to the next level. Using LUX’s patented FUN app, LUX Deluxe patrons can vote to make changes to the screening, giving them all the power of a director and producer wrapped into one Ultimate mind-bending [e]Xperience.

And you can become LUX Deluxe RIGHT NOW at a discount with promo code PLEASELUXDELUXETHANKYOU : BUY TICKETS HERE!

That’s all for now!

*LUX is 110% more FUN than a Regal.

How to become part of the LUX family and Things… and Movies

This week on CALMAT, brought to you by LUX

It’s an exciting adventure in how to become LUX, which might seem confusing

But don’t worry, it’s simple enough.


Connect to the internet


Step 3

Buy all the tickets to the UVX: The Ultimate Viewing [e]Xperience brought to you by LUX

Step 4

(optional, but strongly recommended)

Begin your life long LUX Deluxe Patronship

That’s it!

Now you’re part of the LUX family!

Here Are Our 17 Favorite Fans…And Movies

These are our 17 favorite fans AND movies, all in one list! Wow!

  1. These excited and eager fans, ready to cheer!

2.  This fan, who doesn’t stop trying when the going gets rough

3. This Fan that brought their own internet cat

4.  This one’s a BIG fan!

5. This fan is fabulous

6. This fan, who’s too cool for school

7. One of our favorite fans is Dat Phan

(Scroll to the bottom to see the video!)

8. This fan, who’s never ashamed to show their pride

9. This fan who is loving life!

10. This number one fan!

11. This old man fan becomes a baby fan, wow!

12. This fan, who never gives less than 110% service

13. This little fan who just can’t get enough

14. These fans, who also can’t get enough

15. But it’s okay, because we the best

16. Thanks Fans!

17. Out Of Africa

See you next week loyal fans!

Top 10 Things That Are FUN About the Movies

Welcome fellow Patrons.***

This week we here at Chmaj & Lyle Make A thing tackle the top 10 things that are FUN about the movies.

#1 : You get to sit down

Theaters have chairs that you can sit in. Wow! Can you believe how generous they are?

#2 : They have bathrooms

You never know when you’ll have to go. Thankfully, if you’re at the movie theater you don’t have to worry about where, just when.

#3 : You can watch a movie

Movie theaters are known for being a place where you can see all kinds of filmed entertainment for the low, low price of a ticket.

#4 : They turn off the lights during the movie

For your optimal viewing pleasure they make the rest of the theater dark while you watch a movie!

#5 : The movies are shown on a big screen

Seriously, it’s almost as big as your personal population center.

#6 : They have concessions

And the size of concessions is huge! It’s just like being a kid again.

#7 : They have loyalty programs

Whether you’re a less than 110% more FUN loyal Regal Crown Club Member or a non-essential AMC Stubs Premiere member, or even a

LUX Deluxe(tm)****


****Never heard of the LUX Deluxe member program? Where have you been living? Unless you have been living in the province of Quebec, where the LUX Deluxe program is void, you’re missing out on the best way to see the movies.

The LUX Deluxe is the Ultimate VIP [e]Xperience for the Ultimate Viewing [e]Xperience™.

Simply better than every other film technology on the market, the Ultimate Viewing [e]Xperience™ (UVX) is your future and the best night of your life and now, available only to a select few, The LUX DELUXE is the ultimate ticket for the true moviegoer. If you’ve ever wanted to feel like you were in the director’s seat, this is the ticket for you.

member, you earn points for doing the thing you love most, seeing movies.

#8 : They pick the movie for you

You can just relax because the movie theater already decides what is FUN.

#9 : They have tickets

Tickets are available to everyone at the movie theater and it’s always possible to get a ticket to a later screening if one is sold out.

And our favorite…!

#10 : Movie Trailers

I bet you haven’t seen Hot New Summer Blockbuster Trailer # 7 yet, have you? Get on that and go see a movie!

That’s it! Did we forget anything you think is FUN about going to the movies? Comment Below and let us know!*****

***You give LUX a perpetual, irrevocable, universal (i.e. worldwide and beyond), royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute any thoughts, feelings, emotions, concepts, words, actions, etc. which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services of LUX for any purpose, commercial, testimonial, subliminal, propagandistic, advertising or otherwise. You waive all right to challenge any use, modified or unmodified, of this content as a filed case of libel, slander, or similar misrepresentation lawsuits.***** Due to contractual obligation to Luxury Universal Experience, LLC. the comments section has been permanently closed

The Greatest Thing Since Yesterday

[Excerpt taken from CALMAT-CON 2017]

Hi guys!

[Thunderous applause]

Let’s just do it and be legends.

[Thunderous applause]

We’ve waited a long time to say that.

[Thunderous applause]

My body is ready.

[Thunderous applause]

We have a big announcement to share. At long last,  the day we have all been waiting for has arrived.  And it gives me great pleasure to unveil this to you today.

[Thunderous applause]

We’ve had a lot of discussion about which one of our most  popular characters should be ready to appear as our first big Thing comes to market.

[Thunderous applause]

So last year, we stood here and showed you a video of this crazy thing we’re making. Almost 10 years ago, we, as many of you did, fell in love with a Thing. That Thing took us to the second crusade. And we fell in love again when it took us to the Enlightenment. Over the years this amazing thing has taken us to the Chinese Revolution, the Vikings invasion of Britain, Feudal Japan,  and of course, to the republic of Zimbabwe.

[Thunderous applause]

This year, I really just want to tell you all about it. Since our first article, over the last 3, 4 posts, we have poured our energy, our talent, our passion into bringing the land of pyramids, pharaohs, and mummies to life. Now we’re in Egypt. So we’re looking into this military camp and we’re going tag a few enemies here. After the announcement, we will infiltrate this camp either through stealth, or combat, or ranged weaponry.

[Thunderous applause]

This Thing truly is open world. Now Egypt challenged us, it fundamentally challenged us to reinvent CALMAT.

[Thunderous applause]

CALMAT, the benchmark of engineering excellence, combining 3 32-bit processors with 5 additional processors to create a head-snapping 500,000 polygons per second. Experience the monster torque and parallel processing power with all the speed and handling you’ve come to expect, and every inch is CALMAT. You thought you knew how to do the Thing, but no one has done it this hard, this fast, this real until now. Come look into the world of CALMAT.

[Thunderous applause]

CALMAT, the most powerful, the most technologically advanced, anywhere. Yeah.

[Thunderous applause]

And we’re excited to announce we have seen more than 85 million units shipped worldwide. Like this.

[Thunderous applause]

Now it’s time to explore your inner realm. Open your brain, look inside. Oh, we’re trimming our toenails, how nice. We’re five years away from the twenty-first century.

[Thunderous applause]

Next, imagine we’re in the solar system that we’re currently at, and then we’re here here at the boundary between two warring factions. We could join in, we could take sides. So that’s a tiny glimpse of space combat, but we’ve only got three minutes and there’s loads we want to tell you about. Remember, battles like that are taking place across the universe. In our minds, if we pull back a little bit,  and we’re going to pull back a little bit more to give you a sense of the size of CALMAT, and when we do, understand that every one of those points of light in your mind is a sun, and everyone one of those suns has its own solar system with planet sized planets orbiting around it. Those have life, ecology.  Now most of these places we’re talking about have never been visited. Many of them never will be.  And if you think really hard about it, over there in the distance is the center of the galaxy. that’s where we’re all trying to get to.

[Thunderous applause]

And now i’m going to do something really stupid. Over the next few days you will see, play, and feel, this reinvented experience. We are deeply honored, and proud, to be representing the amazing work of a phenomenal team. and thrilled to show you this beast we have been building.

[Thunderous applause]

Without further ado, here is a taste of CALMAT. The Thing is the newest and most indulgent taste temptation from CALMAT. delivering crystal clear digital video and rich creamy 3-d graphics. and each unit is topped off with a delicious DSP chip dedicated to Scrumptious Cd quality sound. this gourmet meal from Sega goes well with all these yummy mouthwatering things. Revolutionary sports and arcade gameplay, all with amazing new 3-d experiences never before possible at home.

[Thunderous applause]

Wow. Cool.

[Thunderous Applause]

Next, I’m just going to pick one of these at random. Now we can go there.  But if anything horrible goes wrong, just keep in mind, that I’ve not been there before. Cool. So here we are in an undiscovered solar system, probably no one’s ever been here before. In our heads we can do a scan. And when we do you’ll imagine some points of interest. You see that red one down there? It’s a beacon. And i’ve made it so there’s always a beacon near where we are. So beacons are where you- beacons are where you can upload discoveries. That’s it over there. Behind that rock, and and now we’re on this planet we’ve just found. Just an alien world we’ve found together. This is planet CALMAT. And it’s not like the prettiest planet, we’ve all seen better, but we’ve also seen a lot worse. So now, we can do a scan. And, uh, as luck would have it there’s no alien life. But we can show you this. So every planet in every solar system is fully destructible.

[Thunderous Applause]

Hear that? There are these guys called the sentinels. They protect the planets from explorers like us. Now we’re underwater. There’s some fish. There’s some CALMAT fish. Cool, so now we need to find that beacon  and we can upload those discoveries. So now when the Thing is out and we’ll announce a release date soon, we promise, when the Thing is out one of you might one day come across this planet. And that’s just a little glimpse of the Thing. It’s got trading, fighting, exploring, survival.

[Thunderous Applause]

It’s a huge Thing. What we’re trying to say is, this is a giant sandbox we’re making, a universe sized sandbox. It’s full of choices. Humankind stands on the edge of the interactive age. Now this was okay in rehearsal otherwise we wouldn’t be here.

[Thunderous Applause]

We’re going to be entering the open world. So don’t forget you can read this article in its entirety from our home page where you can live this new experience of CALMAT. Go farther than you have ever gone before. Do  your Things in the 21st century and leave the rest of the world behind. It’s out there. We’re going to continue to make Things like this, the kind you can do with your friends and family.

[Thunderous Applause]

Thank you. We have arranged for you to meet our companion. He will lead you. Watch and listen.

[Thunderous Applause. The lights shimmer and go out. Fog rolls in and lasers fire off in every direction. Confetti falls from the sky.]