Here Are Our 17 Favorite Fans…And Movies

These are our 17 favorite fans AND movies, all in one list! Wow!

  1. These excited and eager fans, ready to cheer!

2.  This fan, who doesn’t stop trying when the going gets rough

3. This Fan that brought their own internet cat

4.  This one’s a BIG fan!

5. This fan is fabulous

6. This fan, who’s too cool for school

7. One of our favorite fans is Dat Phan

(Scroll to the bottom to see the video!)

8. This fan, who’s never ashamed to show their pride

9. This fan who is loving life!

10. This number one fan!

11. This old man fan becomes a baby fan, wow!

12. This fan, who never gives less than 110% service

13. This little fan who just can’t get enough

14. These fans, who also can’t get enough

15. But it’s okay, because we the best

16. Thanks Fans!

17. Out Of Africa

See you next week loyal fans!